Work Plan
About Work Plan
Work Package 1: Coordination and project management
Work Package 1: Coordination and project management
(Implementation of COMFOCUS with a crosscutting focus on networking, innovation and new users beyond the lifetime of the project)
• set up and implement the COMFOCUS Execution Handbook and Data Management Plan
• execute the necessary legal, administrative and financial reporting
• address all project management matters in order to meets its objectives
• ensure the maximal impact of all network activities
• organise the Kick-Off and project meetings
Work Package 2: NA - Networking, communication and stakeholder engagement
Work Package 2: NA - Networking, communication and stakeholder engagement
(Foster networking and uptake of the COMFOCUS results by the COMFOCUS Knowledge platform and Toolbox through communication, dissemination and exploitation to serve knowledge transfer to COMFOCUS stakeholders and the scientific community)
• Establish a clear communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy
• set up a COMFOCUS website
• develop the COMFOCUS Knowledge platform
• create the materials for dissemination
• determine joint understanding on the effect on harmonisation of emerging technologies
• discuss COMFOCUS results among the pan-European FCS community
• foster public engagement on social, ethical and legal concerns and barriers to the sustainable FCS communityfoster summer schools and workshops to disseminate COMFOCUS results
• foster dialogues among consumer scientists and adjacent sciences as nutritional science
• support dissemination beyond the consumer scientists, addressing new users
Work Package 3: NA - TNA Management and Open calls
Work Package 3: NA - TNA Management and Open calls
(Promote, manage and evaluate the Virtual and Transnational Access)
• finalise the documentation the COMFOCUS Open Calls for VA/TNA
• create awareness by (new) users for the COMFOCUS Open Calls
• foster a transparent selection process of the applications
• support the execution of the experiments with COMFOCUS infrastructures
• execute a mentoring program
• ensure that the projects are progressing along agreed timescales
Work Package 4: JRA - Hamonising self-report FCS approaches
Work Package 4: JRA - Hamonising self-report FCS approaches
(Pefine harmonised self-reported measures and protocols and develop common guidelines for measurements; identify the gaps and need as research priorities to be used in WP3 Open Calls to foster further harmonisation in Europe.)
• harmonise Socio-Demographics measures linking to other infrastructures and databases
• select the most relevant psycho-social consumer characteristics for harmonisation and develop guidelines at least for 20 most used psycho-social constructs and their measurement
• select the most relevant measures related to product/food experience and expectations for harmonisation and develop guidelines
• select the most relevant measures related to consumer behaviour as an outcome for harmonisation and develop guidelines
• select the most relevant measures related to consumers as agents in food system consumer behaviour as an outcome for harmonisation and develop guidelines
• document the procedure of WP4 and provide curricula for meetings
Work Package 5: JRA - Data definition and structuring
Work Package 5: JRA - Data definition and structuring
(Develop a COMFOCUS Logical framework on food consumer science and develop data models and ontologies to apply harmonisation conform FAIR and responsible data use)
• provide a COMFOCUS Logical framework to identify relevant concepts
• harmonise data to facilitate the FAIR use of data within the community
• develop and agree on basic ontologies for search and knowledge representation
• enhance the ontologies with new scientific insights
• develop criteria for acceptance and disclosure of datasets to guarantee the FAIR and responsible use of data-to document the procedure of WP5 and provide curricula for meetings
Work Package 6: JRA - Harmonising emerging FCS approaches
Work Package 6: JRA - Harmonising emerging FCS approaches
(Develop harmonised protocols and guidelines for new technologies measuring behaviour and will identify the gaps and need as research priorities to be used in WP3 Open Calls to foster further harmonisation of data of emerging technologies in Europe)
• harmonise protocols and standards of psychophysiological measures
• create prototype software to integrate and synchronize psychophysiological data
• harmonise existing methods on reconstructed and virtual reality research
• develop harmonised text mining procedures
• harmonise methods of longitudinal consumer data and develop protocol for integration of different types of data
• document the procedure of WP6 and provide curricula for meetings
Work Package 7: JRA - Data linking, integration and leverage
Work Package 7: JRA - Data linking, integration and leverage
(Develop the COMFOCUS Toolbox with 5 services to enhance harmonisation within the food consumer science research)
• develop a tool for checking the validity of data
• develop a search tool to find harmonised datasets
• develop a tool for searching the collected protocols
• develop a tool for scientific analysis and visualisation
• upgrade the ontology on food consumer science
• link the tools from concept to final to the COMFOCUS Toolbox
• train and validate the COMFOCUS Toolbox
Work Package 8: JRA - responsible research and innovation
Work Package 8: JRA - responsible research and innovation
(Integrate RRI principle in the food consumer science community and in the guidelines for harmonisation of measures and protocols, and align the COMFOCUS Toolbox with those results)
• create a framework based on the conclusions of relevant literature
• enable public engagement in order to identify key ethical and social concerns for COMFOCUS
• create recommendations and tools that would enable members of the COMFOCUS community to reflectively engage with and apply RRI in practice
• develop a guideline for responsible (ethically, socially acceptable and legally compliant) practical governance and data use of COMFOCUS