Harmonized Protocols and guidelines
It is a harmonised integrated data infrastructure in the form of a “library of metadata” for protocols, measures, research procedures and guidelines informing future food consumer science studies. This COMFOCUS Knowledge platform ensures that all future food consumer science data follow the FAIR principles, namely that these are Findable and Accessible to all European researchers, both from academia and industry, Interoperable within the food consumer science domain and with other adjacent research infrastructures, and Re-usable as they can be aggregated and re-analyzed across time (for longitudinal trend analysis) and across culture (for cross-cultural analysis) and ultimately across scale levels to allow higher level learning (advanced data analytics).
Project Deliverables
- COMFOCUS Execution Handbook
- COMFOCUS Data Management Plan
- COMFOCUS Communication Plan
- Guideline for harmonisation of measures and protocols linking to other infrastructures and databases
- Guideline for harmonisation of measures and protocols for psycho-social consumer characteristics
- Guideline for harmonisation of measures and protocols for product anf food experiences in surveys
- Guideline for harmonisation of measures and protocols related to consumer behaviour as an outcome
- Guideline for measuring food choice behaviour in reconstructed and virtual environments
- Guideline for measuring psychophysiological responses
- Guideline for measuring food choice behaviour
- Report on COMFOCUS Logical framework of food consumer science
- Report on public engagement events
- Interim report on monitoring, evaluation and recommendation of results of COMFOCUS Open Calls and VA/TNA
- COMFOCUS Execution Handbook management framework and quality procedures WP1
- Framework on ethical and socio-legal issues relevant to COMFOCUS
- Guideline for harmonisation of measures and protocols measuring consumer as agents in food system
- Procedure and protocols of COMFOCUS Open Calls to apply for services of VATNA
- Recommendations to the specific WPs within COMFOCUS to foster RRI
- Report on basic ontology in food consumer science
- Report on harmonized data models measures in self-reporting and in emerging technologies
- Software prototypes for integration and analysis of multi-modal psychophysiological data
- Report on communication activities
- Report on workshop Measuring Food Consumer Science
- Report on workshops Consumer Science Experts