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COMFOCUS Open Call #1 

Submit your proposal starting from May 11th, 2022Open

COMFOCUS Open Call #1 is offering virtual access to the Easy Questionnaire Tool (EQT) a key European research infrastructure in the multidisciplinary field of food consumer science linked to healthy eating based on an original and innovative research proposal related to exploring the motivational factors in healthy eating, including interest in food products and services that aim to support healthy eating.

The COMFOCUS Open Call #1 is offering virtual access to the EQT. This online tooling offers users the opportunity to develop their own (pan-European) questionnaire on self-related measures related to healthy eating. Each user will have access to the COMFOCUS library that contains harmonized measures related to:
- psycho-social consumer characteristics
- product/food experiences and expectations
- consumer behaviour as an outcome
- consumers as agents in the food system
- socio-demographics
All these measures are selected and agreed on by a scientific community that consists of experts in the food consumer science domain. As a user, you will register and create your own survey

The COMFOCUS Open Call 1 invites proposals for studies in the field of food consumer science with a connection to healthy eating. These studies can relate to consumer behaviour in relation to healthy food choices, other food-related activities, motivation factors behind food choices, perceptions of healthy eating in general, or the perceptions of single food products. The main purpose and target of the studies may vary, but we expect the proposed studies to contain an aspect that relates to healthy eating.

Food consumer science has the ambition to find out what drives consumers’ food choices and other food-related behaviours. The research in this field is fragmented due to a variety of methodological approaches and cultural differences producing a large body of data, but at the same time making it difficult to make comparisons between studies.

To tackle this challenge in food consumer science, in this Open Call, we try to find common constructs and concepts used in studies and harmonise the way we measure these constructs and thereby enable the use of data beyond its primary use. In order to take part in the Open Call, you are asked to comply with simple rules of using a number of selected harmonised measures – so called connectors (please see support documents for detailed information) in your study.

Description of your data will be included in COMFOCUS Knowledge Plataform, and this enables you to connect with other researchers having their own datasets with the same connectors. This will enable you to work together with other researchers and create new research questions in addition to the primary purpose of your study. Thus, taking part in the Open Call does not compromise your original research aims and planned use of data.